• Taming your Twitter

    It’s no secret that Twitter is most PR pros social media network of choice. No other network offers the plethora of information, the conversation possibilities or the chance to connect with millions of people in real time. There aren’t algorithms preventing anyone from seeing our tweets or ranking others above ours. It’s all about timing! On the user’s end, Twitter can get a bit messy. If you’re following hundreds, or thousands, of other users from all over the world who are interested in many different things, it can be difficult to weed through all those tweets in your timeline for information that you’re interested in right then. The unfiltered nature…

  • Building the Brand of You: Finding Your Niche

    In last month’s “Building the Brand of You” installment, I talked about where to start with your personal brand – what do you want it to say about you and how you want others to see you. I also talked about thinking about which channels and methods you’ll use to promote yourself. Today we’re going to dive right into determining your niche. Figuring out your niche is the best way to start building your own brand. There are tons of people on social media and many with their own blogs and sites to share their ideas, so why should people pay attention to what you have to say? That’s where…

  • #FridayFive: Links You May Have Missed (10/23/15)

    It’s the most wonderful tiiiime of the year! No, I don’t mean Christmas. Fall is the best time of year and Halloween is my favorite holiday. For some reason, I always find it easiest to focus and get work done during this time of year. I always feel incredibly inspired during the fall months – maybe it’s all the colors, scents and beautiful scenery. I’ll bet that it has a lot to do with all of the great content popping up in my feeds & inbox this time of year. Night Owls Rejoice! 11 science-backed reasons why night owls get more done on The Muse Asking the Right Questions 6…

  • #FridayFive – Links for 9-18-15

    Fall is almost in the air, the days are getting shorter…This is the time of year I live for! I can’t wait for the leaves to turn, the temperatures to cool and to cuddle up next to a fire (a first for me!) and read for hours. I’m getting myself started with these links and some of the books listed in #3! LC: Social Media Mogul Six lessons brands can learn from Lauren Conrad’s social media success on Adweek Networking for the Rest of Us The smartest ways to network at a party on the Wall Street Journal Curl Up with a Good Book The List: 15 books for fall…

  • Building the Brand of You: Where to Start

    Last month, I published the first part of a series on personal branding, a topic I think is incredibly important for young PR professionals. In that post, I talked about why a personal brand is important and how it can help pros build their career. Today’s post will look at where to begin in building your personal brand. Branding used to be reserved only for brands and celebrities, primarily because brands were built on what people said about you. The media had to talk about you and other people had to create buzz around your brand. Thanks to the internet and social media, self-publishing and self-promotion is the new norm. The…

  • #FridayFive – Links for the week

    So much to do, so little time! Luckily for me, I’m working from home today so I can work on a bit of everything that needs to be done. Unfortunately, it’s almost the end of these long summer days. Here are my favorite links I’ve stumbled upon this week! Did I miss anything you thought was great? Share it in the comments! Writing Cover Letters is a Craft! The ultimate guide to perfect cover letter emails on Skillcrush Maybe it wasn’t you… 3 Reasons You Haven’t Heard Back About a Job, According to a Real, Live Recruiter on The Muse PR isn’t for the faint of heart. What you should know before…

  • #FridayFive: ICYMI | 6/19/15

    Has anyone else been crazy busy lately? I promise to share the details once I’m in a good place and can, but for now I can promise that next week I will be back to posting more than just my weekly roundups of the best links you may have missed. In the meantime though… Five Articles You May Have Missed | 6.19.15 Book Recommendations from TED speakers You summer reading list: 70+ book picks from TED speakers and attendees on TEDblog Social Media From Scratch How to create a social media marketing plan from scratch on Buffer Social Vacation + Work Etiquette The dos and don’ts of working on vacation on…

  • Diary of a PRo: Crosby Noricks

    March’s PRo is Crosby Noricks, fashion PR extraordinaire & founder of PR Couture. Crosby is not only a fashion PR powerhouse, she’s also a superstar mentor. Her blog is chock full of tips and advice for aspiring PR girls – it’s one of my must-reads every morning! Let’s jump in & find out a little more about Crosby!

  • My Top Three Instagram Crushes

    I love Instagram, it’s no secret. That’s why I was so excited when The B Bar announced February’s blog link up topic on The Well. Here are my three favorite Instagram accounts.

  • The Social Media Sweep

    So Winter Storm Juno may have been a bust for much of the East Coast this week, but hopefully everyone put that unnecessary snow day to good use by getting a jump on applying for few summer internships or after-graduation jobs. Let’s be serious, most of us spent that glorious bit of a break how we spend nearly any other snowy free day – hanging out on the couch in our pjs watching Netflix. It’s ok! It’s not too late to get everything in order and get those applications submitted. But first, clean up your online presence. It’s been drilled into our heads that future employers will scour the dark corners…