PR Girl 101: Prep for a Successful Week
Let’s be honest: PR girls rarely have a boring week. Whether it’s a project coming together for a client, a full schedule of events or a pitching to new clients day in and day out, there’s always something to do. Even though we know that a full schedule is really just part of the job description, we still find ourselves surprised once in a while when a crazy, hectic, stressful week pops up. Sometimes an uncontrollable crisis is truly a surprise – springing from unforeseen circumstances or things beyond our control – but more often than not, it’s of our own doing. We fail to plan, we get overwhelmed, we procrastinate,…
PR 101: Tools of the Trade
There is no fool-proof plan for conquering your career… but there are a few tools you should definitely have in your arsenal along the way. PR is, without a doubt, one of the most fast-paced careers. It’s a path that treasures creativity & originality, but there are some tried-and-true essentials to keep in your back pocket to keep you headed in the right direction.
PR Girl 101: What makes a PR girl?
What is a PR Girl? PR Girl (n): An ambitious, creative, dedicated creature with exceptional organizational & leadership skills. See also: superwoman