• PR Girl’s Guide to…Job Searching

    Whether you’re fresh out of college, looking to switch jobs or an experienced pro looking for a change, job searching is tough and no one really enjoys it. If you’re currently unemployed and actively seeking a new opportunity to sink your teeth into, the search often feels endless and frustrating. Time seems to pass by both rapidly, as the weeks fly off you calendar while you send resume after resume, and terribly slowly, as the days drag on while you check your email and phone hoping for good news. So, yea, job searching is a headache, but that’s not news to anyone. It’s also not incredibly helpful information, unless you’re…

  • Crafting a Vision

    Every worthy dream and goal needs a great path to get you there. And while I am all for doing things spur of the moment, trying new things and having adventures, I do believe that having a solid vision is important to living a mindful life. Whatever you have on your plate or ahead of you, having a vision and a plan can help you to find focus and get yourself from Point A to Point B and beyond. When I started this blog, I had been following other career and PR girl blogs like NYC PR Girls, PR Blonde, Kayla Hollatz, and PR Couture for a while. I’ve had…

  • Ask A PRo: Job Search Tips from Lauren Berger

    It’s that time of year – time to refine your job and internship search with the end of the semester nearing. To help clear up some misconceptions, I sat down with Lauren Berger, CEO/Founder of InternQueen.com and LaurenBergerInc.com, and author of All Work, No Pay and Welcome to the Real World. Lauren answered the questions I had about the job search, internships, following up and how PR girls should approach the process.

  • The Social Media Sweep

    So Winter Storm Juno may have been a bust for much of the East Coast this week, but hopefully everyone put that unnecessary snow day to good use by getting a jump on applying for few summer internships or after-graduation jobs. Let’s be serious, most of us spent that glorious bit of a break how we spend nearly any other snowy free day – hanging out on the couch in our pjs watching Netflix. It’s ok! It’s not too late to get everything in order and get those applications submitted. But first, clean up your online presence. It’s been drilled into our heads that future employers will scour the dark corners…

  • The Post-Grad Struggle

    Is struggling in your career a completely normal, run-of-the-mill thing? I hate to even admit this, being a Type A person, but lately I’ve been feeling a bit like I’m struggling at work. It’s a mix of “Argh! I don’t know what I’m doing!” and “Why won’t you let me do my job!” served up with a huge side of anxiety about life in general. While I don’t like admitting that I feel a little overwhelmed and a bit lost, I feel that opening up about it is a good way to figure it out, especially since I know I’m not alone in it. I like to think of it as…