• PR Girl’s Guide to…Job Searching

    Whether you’re fresh out of college, looking to switch jobs or an experienced pro looking for a change, job searching is tough and no one really enjoys it. If you’re currently unemployed and actively seeking a new opportunity to sink your teeth into, the search often feels endless and frustrating. Time seems to pass by both rapidly, as the weeks fly off you calendar while you send resume after resume, and terribly slowly, as the days drag on while you check your email and phone hoping for good news. So, yea, job searching is a headache, but that’s not news to anyone. It’s also not incredibly helpful information, unless you’re…

  • Building the Brand of You: Where to Start

    Last month, I published the first part of a series on personal branding, a topic I think is incredibly important for young PR professionals. In that post, I talked about why a personal brand is important and how it can help pros build their career. Today’s post will look at where to begin in building your personal brand. Branding used to be reserved only for brands and celebrities, primarily because brands were built on what people said about you. The media had to talk about you and other people had to create buzz around your brand. Thanks to the internet and social media, self-publishing and self-promotion is the new norm. The…