#FridayFive: Twitter Chats for PRos
Twitter chats are a great networking tools & they’re fun too! For those who don’t know, a Twitter chat is a conversation held at a specific time on Twitter, usually moderated by a single account & easily marked by a hashtag. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of Twitter chats going on weekly or monthly. That, in addition to the sheer volume of tweets flying around, it’s easy to get overwhelmed! Here are my top five Twitter chats for PR pros. Five Twitter Chats for PR pros #NPPRSA Hosted by PRSA’s New Professionals Section, this chat focuses on all things important to new PR pros. When: Wednesdays, frequency TBA. Topics are announced…
The Social Media Sweep
So Winter Storm Juno may have been a bust for much of the East Coast this week, but hopefully everyone put that unnecessary snow day to good use by getting a jump on applying for few summer internships or after-graduation jobs. Let’s be serious, most of us spent that glorious bit of a break how we spend nearly any other snowy free day – hanging out on the couch in our pjs watching Netflix. It’s ok! It’s not too late to get everything in order and get those applications submitted. But first, clean up your online presence. It’s been drilled into our heads that future employers will scour the dark corners…
Becoming a Morning Person
I’ll be the first to admit, I have never been a morning person. I’ve always worked really well late at night and it usually takes me a good half hour to come close to resembling a human being in the morning. Until recently. Maybe because it’s winter, maybe because I’m getting older, but I’ve been much more tired after 5 p.m., even if I got a full eight hours the night before. I’ve tried everything I can think of – changing my diet, being more organized, exercising, going to bed earlier- and I’ve only found one thing that seems to work for me – trying to convince myself I’m a…
To Write or Not to Write: The PR Question
Lately I’ve seen a lot of debate over whether or not PR majors should be required to take advanced writing courses, sparked by Shannon Bowen, a professor of PR ethics at the University of South Carolina, in a recent column on PR Week. I have to respectfully disagree, Ms. Bowen. Knowing how to write well is a core competency for PR. While I agree with her on the fact that PR has evolved and that if you can’t write, PR is not the career for you, I disagree with the claim that everything that needs to be taught about writing for PR can be taught in 10 minutes.
A Datebook Can Change Your Life
This month, I found a really cool way to connect with other bloggers from all over and I couldn’t be more excited. The B Bar announced it would begin hosting blog link ups on its blog, The Well, by posing a question each month and inviting fellow bloggers to write a post and share their link to be include on other participating blogs. January’s question: What did you purchase in the past year that became invaluable to you?
#FridayFive: LinkedIn Necessities
LinkedIn is a professional necessity. It’s one of the first things employers look for when you submit an application & it’s a perfect way to make connections in your industry & show off your resumé without killing a million trees. Everyone has a LinkedIn profile, but do you actually know how to use LinkedIn? Five Things Your LinkedIn Should Have A good photo A selfie just will not do! Make sure your profile photo is a professional-looking head shot. The frame should be from the chest/shoulders up and you should be dressed appropriately for a work environment. Ask a friend to take it for you or set a camera up…
Diary of a Pro: PR Girl Manifesto
Today I’m kicking off a new feature for PR Girl Diaries, Diary of a PRo, with one of my #PRGirl inspirations – PR Girl Manifesto. If you don’t know PR Girl Manifesto, their mission is “to encourage, empower, and equip female PR professionals with the tools needed to succeed in the Communications industry.” PR Girl Manifesto has a strong Instagram and Twitter presence and will be releasing an interactive book early this year. Let’s jump in!
#FridayFive: PR Blogs to Follow
The internet is great, with its unlimited resources, endless entertainment and ample answers. I, however, have the attention span of a fly somedays, and get lost and forget what I was looking for to begin with, so I like to keep my go-to resources all in one place. Five PR Blogs to Follow Today (in no particular order) PR Diva PR Diva is a great resource for anyone interested in PR, social media & tech at any skill level, and definitely worth following PR Couture Crosby Noricks is a fashion PR powerhouse. Her blog is a must for anyone interested in PR, especially fashion or beauty. PR Daily PR Daily is…
What’s in store for 2015
In the next couple of weeks, you, my fabulous readers, will start to notice a few new things added to PR Girl Diaries. Thanks to a couple long drives, a lot of time to brainstorm and think, and a few lightning bolts of inspiration, here’s a preview of what you can expect to see soon! PR Girl Resources Every successful PR girl has a toolkit full of resources! I’ll share what’s in mine – including blogs to follow, tips & tricks and tools of the trade. Diary of a PRo What better way to learn the ins and outs of PR, and if it’s the right career for you, than to…
PR Girl Goals for 2015
Happy New Year, PR Girls! A few weeks ago, our friends over at PR Girl Manifesto created this fabulous PR Girl Bucket List template and was kind enough to share it with PR girls far & wide. I can’t think of a better way to kick off 2015 than by reevaluating career goals, aspirations & making a plan for the months ahead. Check out my PR Girl Bucket List below. Don’t forget to download a copy & create your own! Follow PR Girl Manifesto on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & Pinterest. Share your completed list with us & we’ll feature them on our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & Pinterest! Need a little inspiration…