• Diary of a PRo: Allyn Lewis of Relevé PR

    This month’s Diary of a PRo features the fabulous Allyn Lewis of Relevé PR, a full-service boutique PR firm based in Pittsburgh. As owner of her own firm, Allyn has her hands in every aspect of running and working at a PR firm and is always open and willing to chat with fellow #PRgirls about any and everything.

  • Enjoy a break…

    Happy Easter (or Passover), everyone! I hope everyone gets a break to relax and enjoy some time with friends, family and loved ones! I’ll be back next week with new content. Sorry for the lack of new items lately – things will be calming down a bit now!  

  • #FridayFive: Spring Things

    Fall is my favorite season, but spring is has a few things fall doesn’t. The flowers, the warm up, the whole world coming to life. Everything seems bright and new in the spring. While I love the slow down and the calmness of fall, spring has an advantage or two. Here’s what I’m looking forward to this spring!

  • How to create an editorial content calendar

    This post previously appeared on PRSA’s New Professionals Section’s blog, The Edge. Creating and maintaining an editorial calendar should be an integral part of any PR or marketing strategy. But, with the ever-growing number of networks to share branded content with our audiences, keeping a well-curated editorial calendar is a daunting task. Here are a few tried-and-true ways you can simplify the process. Creating your editorial calendar The first steps in creating an editorial calendar that works for you are outlining the social networks to be used and the brands/blogs/etc. that you need to manage, as well as the depth of detail you need. Knowing these items will determine which services…

  • Finding Focus

    The past month, as well as the month ahead, have my calendar jam-packed with things to do. Between traveling, working, blogging (have I mentioned I now write for 4 blogs?!), keeping up with going to the gym, keeping up with friends and family, and, finally, maintaining my own sanity, I’ve been having a hard time focusing for very long. And by “very long,” I mean “I have the attention span of a gnat.” This past week, I felt inspired by The Everyday Elegance‘s post on how to refocus after Spring Break and decided to try to find my own ways to focus while being as busy as I am.

  • Ask A PRo: Job Search Tips from Lauren Berger

    It’s that time of year – time to refine your job and internship search with the end of the semester nearing. To help clear up some misconceptions, I sat down with Lauren Berger, CEO/Founder of InternQueen.com and LaurenBergerInc.com, and author of All Work, No Pay and Welcome to the Real World. Lauren answered the questions I had about the job search, internships, following up and how PR girls should approach the process.

  • #FridayFive: NYC Must-Sees

        I love NYC. It’s no secret. I love the hustle and bustle and the fact that there is never a lull. Though I only lived there for a brief time, I love that there are places and things that I was able to make my own. New York feels like home. In honor of yet another visit to the city that never sleeps next week, albeit for work and not pleasure, today’s Friday Five is dedicated to the five places I plan to visit while in NYC.

  • Taking Your Own Headshot

    I’ve been working on sharpening my online presence lately. So I’ve gone through and deleted the ones I don’t use anymore and updated the information on the ones that I do use. The thing I’m having the most difficulty with is updating my LinkedIn photo. Having taken my last professional-looking headshot a few years ago in college, it was definitely time to update. Since it’s winter and I want to wait for beautiful weather for a nice photoshoot, I’ve opted for taking my own headshot. Truth be told, it’s a bit easier than it seems. 

  • In defense of lazy weekends

    Lately, every day of the week has been jam-packed for me, but I try to set aside one weekend of the month for a lazy weekend. I know plenty of people who make plans for nearly every second of their weekend and, while it’s great to make memories and have fun, I think the value of unplugging and recharging is entirely underrated. We spend so much time connected to work and other people that we don’t always realize the extent of it. Between the constant buzzing of our phones, the background noise from Netflix, Spotify or whatever other streaming service we’re connected to and the thoughts bouncing around inside our…

  • Grammar & Style for the Digital Age

    Happy National Grammar Day, y’all! I have a deep respect for the rules of grammar and usage and a love of all its intimate properties. Grammar and language are beautiful things when used properly. Even with our regional dialects and quirks – I live in the land of Pittsburghese where “dahntahn” is a place and “yinz” replaces my beloved “y’all” – I still find words to be mighty when wielded with care. But how important are the rules of grammar and usage in the digital age? Handwritten letters have gone the way of the dodo, every one of our devices has spell check standard and “wut r u up 2?”…