• Cope with a stress-filled Manic Monday

    Ah Monday. Everyone dreads Mondays. Back to work, a whole week ahead and, often, a whole lot of meetings, tasks and projects are staring right at you. Even if you aren’t the type to stress about the impending week, swamped days can easily cramp anyone’s style. Here’s how to keep your head above water and not get burnt out in the process.

  • Work-Life Balance: A Key to Your Mental Health

    In honor of World Mental Health Day today, I think it’s important to take a few minutes & discuss a topic that many struggle with daily: a healthy work-life balance. In any field, maintaining a healthy balance between career & personal life can be challenging. In PR, which is ranked as the sixth most stressful career according to CareerCast, that balance is crucial to a healthy mental state and your happiness. 

  • Who runs the World? Olivia Pope (and PR Girls)!

    Olivia Pope was back in action last week with the season 4 premier of Scandal. Olivia Pope & Associates may be defunct (for now!), but Olivia proves “Once a fixer, always a fixer.” Lawyer or not, she’s not far off from us PR girls at all! Below are just a few reasons why Olivia Pope, and all of us fab PR girls, will run the world.

  • Welcome PR Girls!

    Hello PR Gals! Pleased to meet you! I’m so excited to get this blog up and running. I’m sure I’ll have more than enough to write about – the life of a PR girl is anything but boring. There have been a a number of pieces written recently about PR girls – why we run the world, why dating us is so fantastic (duh!), and so on. It’s no secret that we’re fabulous. We live in a whirlwind of social media, events, technology and style. We always have something fun going on, we handle stress well and we typically have it all together. We’ve got some fantastic PR role models to…