
#FridayFive – Links for the week

So much to do, so little time! Luckily for me, I’m working from home today so I can work on a bit of everything that needs to be done. Unfortunately, it’s almost the end of these long summer days.

Here are my favorite links I’ve stumbled upon this week! Did I miss anything you thought was great? Share it in the comments!

Writing Cover Letters is a Craft!

The ultimate guide to perfect cover letter emails on Skillcrush

Maybe it wasn’t you…

3 Reasons You Haven’t Heard Back About a Job, According to a Real, Live Recruiter on The Muse

PR isn’t for the faint of heart.

What you should know before starting a PR career on PR Daily

Type A Ladies, Rejoice!

9 Organizational Planners That Will Change Your Life on Levo League

Lock down your personal brand!

Five ways to protect your personal brand on social media on Career Contessa